Saturday, December 4, 2010

the card game

Names will be changed to protect the identities of the characters in the blog.
Duplication or recreation of any of the blogs is punishable by very mean thoughts from me.

It's Friday night 1955, it's mom's mah jong nite at Frose's house and my father's card game at our house.
It's late already and I'm in bed.  You can smell the cigarette smoke, the change clinking, the coughing, the cursing, and hear the cards shuffling.  My sister wakes up and with eyes half open strolls into the living room card game. She's pouting and bothering my father, so he tells her to go get him a glass of water, and the game continues. She comes back with the water, and starts asking my father who is trying to bluff his way through this hand to pick her up so she can help him play. He ignores her and she goes over to Flouie and  starts bothering him, Flouie says to her Ffranny go get me a glass of water please. She goes happily off to get the water, and my dad proceeds to win the hand.  Next hand is being played and my sister is more awake and is annoying the players (even though she is cute) these guys want to focus on their poker, and my father sends her off to get Fmorris a glass of water, she is so happy and feels so important as the "water girl" and  in a while comes back. The game continues and once again  Ffranny gets restless and Flenny sends her on a mission, that she seems to have down pat now, to get him a glass of water and all is well,  a few hands go by, the game is real serious.  Now my sister starts getting restless, and is tired and starts bothering my father  in one of the biggest hands.  Dad says " Ffranny go get Firving a glass of water".  She goes off, she is probably gone for  10 minutes and comes back in crying with an empty cup in her hand. My father says  "Ffranny what's wrong", all the men are concerned.  Ffranny in tears, blurts out," There's no more water left in the toilet bowl!".  You can hear the    spitting out of water by the men, the  ewws.  That was teh end of the card game that night.

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